Authors (including presenting author) :
Fok SF(1), Cheung MK(1), Sit YW(1), Tse MW (1),Wong SY(1), Lee CC(1), Law KC(1), Law SL(1), Chan WC(1), Liu CW (1), Tsang WY (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Oncology, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Oncology services in United Christian Hospital are expanding under cluster direction. Patient support is one of the roles of oncology nurses. Research studies have been reported that nurse-led telephone follow-up is effective in symptom management, patient satisfaction, emotional functioning and medical safety.
In order to enhance nursing care to cancer patients especially undergoing chemotherapy treatment, we initiated a nurse-led telephone follow-up education session at our center.
Objectives :
To provide holistic care and patient support along their journeys in the following areas:
1. To provide patient support by give advice on symptom management
2. To address patient’s physical and psychosocial needs with immediate follow up
3. To enhance medication safety
4. To develop patient-nurse rapport
Methodology :
Oncology nurses have developed a protocol and a structured education template including symptoms assessment, medication compliance, psychosocial issues and self-care management. All new patients who have received chemotherapy will have a 30-minute telephone follow-up in the subsequent week. In phase 1, the program was conducted for colorectal cancer patients who had received Xelox and Xeliri regimens. Afterwards, a patient satisfaction survey was implemented. In phase 2, the target group is all new cancer patients receiving IV chemotherapy.
Result & Outcome :
In phase 1, 9 oncology nurses participated in the program. Total 43 patients have received health education via telephone call from March to July 2020. During telephone conversation, patients reported different chemotherapy related side effects and nursing advice could provide immediately. A survey was done from Aug to Sept 2020. 33 patients returned the questionnaires. The full score is 5. The mean score for knowledge improvement of chemotherapy was 4.31 (S.D. 0.51, 3.17-5) and the mean score for oncology nurse’s satisfaction was 4.28 (S.D. 0.64, 2.13-5). 42% of patients left comments that they were very satisfied with the program. Nurses reported that they could build rapport with them.
The program has been entered the phrase 2 since August 2020. The program is ongoing.
The telephone follow-up education session is effective in promoting holistic care and rapport to patient undergoing chemotherapy treatment. It is also a feasible and acceptable model in the treat of COVID 19.