Promoting Birth Position – Supporting Normal Birth

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chau MCM(1), Ng SM(1), Wan WY(1), Ngai CY(1), Wong HM(1), Hui HN(1), Yu SL(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Prince of Wales Hospital
Introduction :
Evidence has been shown that alternative birth positions during labor or birth bring lots of benefits and lead to a more positive birth experience. However, despite clear evidence, most women like to push and give birth lying on their backs.
The purpose of this program is to promote alternative birth positions and supporting normal birth.
Objectives :
1. To strengthen midwives’ knowledge and skills on alternative birth positions.
2. To encourage women to use different birth positions during the 1st and 2nd
stage of labor.
3. To promote normal birth and optimal positive childbirth experience.
Methodology :
The program started from July 2018 to December 2019. A “Plan-Do-check-Act” model was used to guide the program.
Plan: A self-designed survey was used to understand midwives’ knowledge, perception and attitude towards different birth positions
Do: Identify the needs of the survey and implement series interventions.
Midwives: 1. “One week one Message” poster on various birth positions
2. Clinical teaching on “Mother friendly practice” and demonstrate the
use of different birth positions
Women: 1. Broadcast video in Antenatal ward to introduce different birth position
2. To practice the use of birth-ball before induction of labor in the first stage ward.
Check: Post-program survey from 76 Midwives and 300 questionnaires on mothers’ birth experience were collected.
Act: Review the survey and questionnaire and take appropriate actions.
Result & Outcome :
Midwives’ knowledge, perception and attitudes towards different birth positions had improved and shown to have more confidence to arrange different birth positions for women during labor and birth.
Nearly half of the women had used birth-ball or side-lying position during the first stage of labor. 5% of women had tried squatting position, which is a big breakthrough in our hospital.
89% of women reported that the video had enhanced their confidence and empowered them in the labor process, 12% of women described they were benefiting from midwives’ explanation on the advantages of different birth positions. 78% of women reported that the use of birth-ball can decrease back pain and speed up labor progress.

The PDCA is a continuous quality improvement model. Midwives are encouraged by the result of the questionnaire. The normal birth practice would be our ultimate goal.

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