Authors (including presenting author) :
Yau CY(1), Lau WY(1), Yip WM(1), Ng TH(1), Wong KC(1), Chan YY(1), Chan KH(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Therapy Department, Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
Due to the rapid development in rehab technology, therapist need to spend extra effort to keep up to date on aids available in market. In order to facilitate the aids prescription process, an innovative web-based sharing platform was created by OT colleagues to share up-to-date information on suitable aids that enhance safe living for our clients.
Objectives :
1. To develop a website for sharing updated aids information to facilitate aids prescription.
2. To serve as a platform for OTs to share updated aids information and experiences on application of various aids
Methodology :
1. An aids working group was set up to develop the website
2. 12 categories of ADL and home care aids were identified and built as a framework for the website. Based on the OTs experience and clients’ feedback, relevant aids from local and international markets were screened, reviewed and trial under each category.
3. Selected items of aids were organised and presented systematically under 12 categories by using website builder
4. Maintenance system was setup for regular check to ensure all information shown are up-to-date
5. User’s feedback was continuously collected for enhancement
Result & Outcome :
1. Out of 2000 items, 400 items were selected and added in the website. Search and feedback function on homepage were installed. 2. Website satisfaction survey was done in Dec 2019. The average satisfaction score was 4.5/5 where 5 indicating the most satisfaction. 3. The website was introduced to 80 OTs colleagues for 7 clusters in June 2019 in the seminar of “Updates on Elderly devices for safe living”. Positive feedback was collected. 4. From Jun 2019 to Nov 2019, average 180 visitors to website was recorded per month Conclusion An aids information sharing platform was developed for aids prescription with positive feedback from the users. It enhances the readiness and efficient in the process of aids prescription. It provides updated information and sources for occupational therapist in prescribing aids for clients to enhance safe living in the community.