Authors (including presenting author) :
Li MY, Chan W, Chow E, Heung MT, Ko WH, Kong WY, Ku WF, Kwong WT, Lau HL, Lee M, Leung CS, Liu KL, Lo B, Lok WY, Ng HB, Wong SH, Wong YW, Wu MT
Affiliation :
Operation Theater Service, Queen Mary Hospital
Introduction :
Effective perioperative handsoff communication is essential for patient safety. A structured handsoff tool and standardized process could increase effective communication of essential elements of care (Robinson, 2016; AORN 2017).
Association of Operating Room Nurses (AORN) recommended the use of SWITCH model as structured handsoff between scrub personnel, acronym of Surgical procedure, Wet (i.e. fluids), Instruments, Tissue (specimens), Count and Have you any question? (Johnson et al., 2013).
Nursing team in the Operating Theater Services, Queen Mary Hospital had conducted a survey to study the feasibility of implementing SWITCH model for handsoff between scrub personnel. Invited colleagues had used the SWITCH model in performing scrub-to-scrub handsoff. Feedback received indicated that SWITCH model is not user-friendly on its implementation in the department.
A customized and standardized handsoff tool, PADSLIDE, which is specific to the department needs was then developed by the nursing team. PADSLIDE is the acronym for ‘Procedure’, ‘Accountable items & Instruments’, ‘Drugs’, ‘Specimen’, ‘Lavage’, ‘Implants & Single Use Device’, ‘Drains & Dressing’ and ‘ Event & Enquiries’.
Objectives :
To develop a customised and standardized handsoff model for scrub-to-scrub personnel in Operation Theater Services, Queen Mary Hospital.
Methodology :
Task force was formed with the aim to assess the feasibility of using PADSLIDE as the structures handoff between scrub personnel in clinical setting.
The concept of having structured handsoff with the use of PADSLIDE as acronym was accepted by more than 50% of the nursing team. The task force proceeded with pilot study for 2 weeks to trial out the use of the PADSLIDE model in clinical setting. 13 cases including both elective and emergency cases, that required scrub-to-scrub handsoff, were included in the pilot study. All participants agreed that PADSLIDE model is more user friendly than the SWITCH model.
With the positive feedback and the direction from department’s management team, the task force proceeded with full implementation of PADSLIDE model as the structured scrub-to-scrub handsoff.
Implementation phase included briefing sessions for the nursing team, poster that reminds the use of PADSLIDE were being used. Ambassadors were also invited to encourage the first time users.
Result & Outcome :
131 sets of evaluation form were collected after 3 months of implementation. 100% participants showed positive attitude towards the use of PADSLIDE. PADSLIDE has become the structured handsoff model within the department.