Collaboration with Community Partner: Occupational Therapy Transition Preparation Program (OTTPP) to Enhance Effectiveness of Youths Leaving Public Hospital Occupational Therapy Care

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Affiliation :
Occupational Therapy Department, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
Introduction :
In Hong Kong, adolescents receiving mental health service (MHS) in public hospital will experience a transition from child and adolescent psychiatric services to adult psychiatric services, or being referred to community organizations for continuous support when they turn to adulthood. Mental Health Report in 2018 reported that these discharged youths may experience difficulties in adapting changes in service model and intervention modalities. A survey from the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences in 2015 showed that youths aged between 12 to 25 had high prevalence of mental illness but their engagement in MHS is the lowest among all age groups. The fragmented bridging between youths and adult services could lead to youths’ disconnection, falling into a NEET (not in employment, education or training) situation. Hence, OTTPP is piloted to enhance the transition process.
Objectives :
To bridge the service gaps between youths transiting from Occupational Therapy (OT) care in Child Psychiatric Day Hospital (CPDH) to community care.
Methodology :
OT Department in CPDH collaborated with The Hong Kong Children & Youth Services (HKCYS) to provide an interactive platform for youths ages from 17 to 19 years old. To facilitate the rapport building and understanding between HKCYS social workers and youths, 4 joint workshops in CPDH and 2 community activities were conducted together with Occupational therapists and HKCYS. Joint interviews with youths and their parents were conducted so that both parties understood clients’ rehabilitation plan. Youths were referred to HKCYS half year before discharge and they were encouraged join the community activities in this “cross-over” period with OT support.
Result & Outcome :
10 youths attended OTTPP and 15 joint sessions were conducted from 2018 to 2019. The success rate of youths engaged in community organization was 100%. All youths maintained active participations in HKCYS for more than half year after discharge. The utilization of OT services in CPDH significantly reduced in the “cross-over” period. The waiting time to community service was eliminated. All youths agreed OTTPP boosted their confidence to adult life. In conclusion, transition of mental health care for youths to adulthood cannot be a paradigm shift. A gradual and early prepared connection between service providers is essential for successful integration to community.

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