Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong WWY(1), Kwan PY(1), Sze SYY(1), Chan JKY(1), Pang JYW(1), Cheung JKH(1), Cheung NT(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Information Technology and Health Informatics Division, Head Office, Hospital Authority, HKSAR
Introduction :
Missing sight of the Hepatitis B status of a patient while prescribing medication can lead to a life-threatening result. To support doctors with decision making, auto-flagging “Hepatitis B Positive / Carrier” has been launched on April 2019. By automated screening of laboratory results, the system will automatically mark the “Hepatitis B Positive / Carrier” alert in Hong Kong Hospital Authority Clinical Management System (CMS) so as to avoid missing of important clinical alert.
Objectives :
This paper illustrated the potential benefits of using auto-flagging architectural model of continuously screening of clinical data in CMS.
Methodology :
Laboratory results of HBsAg blood test were being screened continuously and checked against pre-defined clinical criteria. All the laboratory results indicated “Hepatitis B Positive / Carrier” positive alert would be automatically created in CMS. Data of “Hepatitis B Positive / Carrier” alert created in CMS was retrieved for reviewing and verifying the completeness and accuracy of auto-flagging.
Result & Outcome :
Nine months after launching auto-flagging Hepatitis B project, there were 5608 “Hepatitis B positive / Carrier” alert records being marked by auto-flagging. The alert records were marked accurately and automatically. Also, no missing or misidentified Hepatitis B Positive / Carrier result was found.