Authors (including presenting author) :
Fu KS, Wong SW, Wu PY, Hui SY, Yeung SL, Yip PL, Chan MK, Ng LK
Affiliation :
Department of Surgery, Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals
Introduction :
A positive work environment makes employees feel good about coming to work, and this provides the motivation to sustain them throughout the day (Michael Poh, 2017) Thus, a busy ward environment in an acute setting and mixed generations among ward staff are challenges to ward management in cultivating a positive work environment for frontline staff. Nursing care relies on teamwork. For team members that compose of different generations and characters, a work contract nor professionalism alone cannot make it work. Rather an engaging work environment that is supportive, caring with positive reinforcement, as well as pleasant peer relationship can enhance staff morale and cohesiveness, and finally ensure patient safety.
Objectives :
1. Provide a supportive and caring work environment.
2. Cultivate bonds among ward staff.
3. Ensure patient safety
Methodology :
1. To recruit members from different ranks of ward staff for this task force. (Mar, 2019)
2. To perform literature review and select strategies for team building. (Mar, 2019)
3. To obtain a pre-program opinion and assessment of staff’s preconception of working environment and peer relationship. (Mar, 2019)
4. To implement the Leisure Class project, Birthday Angel project and Wall of Praise project in ward. (Apr, 2019)
5. To evaluate post-program staff’s satisfaction of work environment and peer relationship. (Dec, 2019)
Result & Outcome :
Results: 1. Patient Safety – Since Apr, 2019, there is no medication incident or patient fall incident. But has one pressure injury with device induced. 2. Staff Sick Leave – No significant change. 3. Staff Opinion Survey – 28 ward staff have completed pre and post program assessment forms. 92% ward staff agreed and strongly agreed a positive work environment can be achieved. 96% ward staff agreed and strongly agreed the ward is a big family. Ward staff are happy to work has been increased from 67% to 92%. Conclusion: By implementing the three projects (Leisure Class, Birthday Angel and Wall of Praise projects), the morale of our staffs were significantly raised, as well as their sense of belonging and job satisfaction. These definitely improve staff performance and finally improve patient safety. With the success so far, this program will be continuing and more activities that can improve our peer relationship as well as positive feedback of our work will be adopted.