Authors (including presenting author) :
CHAO MC (1), YIP KT (1), CHEUNG KP (1), NG CT (1), LAM CM (1) CHEUNG TYJ (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Therapy Department, Tuen Mun Hospital
Introduction :
Dementia care has been a crucial topic worldwide given its surging prevalence coupled with the high morbidity and mortality rates. In particular, progression of dementia may be slowed down by different treatment modalities during prodromal stage or mild cognitive impairment (Sin et al., 2015). In Hong Kong, growing service demand for dementia care has been one of the key challenges in health care system. Enhancement of treatment delivery models and workflow has been a prerequisite for Occupational Therapists serving high volume of patients with suspected MCI. Previous studies have shown that cognitive training group can improve functional performance and quality of life particularly in people with MCI (Sin et al., 2015).
Objectives :
To investigate the effectiveness for use of cognitive training group in achieving early cognitive intervention of GDH patients.
Methodology :
A prospective quasi-experimental study which examined the effectiveness of cognitive training group in improving cognitive functioning, functional performance and psychosocial well-being of elderlies referred to TMH GDH. Inclusion criteria: (1) Aged 65 or above (2) Able to complete Hong Kong version of Abbreviated Mental Test (3) Able to complete Hong Kong version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (4) HK-MoCA percentile score within 7th and 16th percentile (5) Able to complete Hong Kong Brief Cognitive Test. Subjects attended a 6-week cognitive training group encompassing reality orientation, cognitive stimulation, memory strategies, reminiscence, art creation and cooking in addition to conventional Occupational Therapy training program. Pre and post outcomes involved HK-AMT, HK-MoCA, HKBC, Modified Barthel Index, Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale and self-perceived health-related questionnaires.
Result & Outcome :
7 subjects were studied (Male=4; Female=3) from May 2019 to November 2019. After participation in the 6-week cognitive training group, MBI score was significantly improved (Z=-2.04, p< 0.05). The pre-post mean score of HK-AMT was found to improve by 8.8%, HKBC by 3.7%, HK-MoCA by 18.3%, SF-12: physical by 10.5% and SF-12: mental by 8.4%. 57.1% of subjects received early triage for further ambulatory training services initiated by OT in GDH after discharged from GDH. Positive feedback from OTs and supporting staff revealed group-based approach for cognitive training can enhance workflow efficiency.