Authors (including presenting author) :
Lai CHM, Cheung CY, Lee HY, To WL, Tsang LPJ, Ho FHC
Affiliation :
Department of Surgery, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hospital Authority
Introduction :
Post-operative patients and patients in SHDU are at higher risk of pressure injuries development because of intensive medical treatments. The presences of pressure injuries have increased the cost, length of stay as well as morbidity and mortality of hospitalized patients. However, early detection through assessment and different prevention strategies could be adopted to minimize the occurrences of pressure injuries.
Objectives :
-Early identification of high-risk patients based on the validated assessment tool (Braden Scale).
-Improving staff awareness of pressure injury prevention.
-Improving staff awareness of Medical Device Related Pressure Injury (MDRPI).
-Reducing the overall rate of pressure injury development.
Methodology :
-Organizing trainings and demonstrations on various kinds of pressure injury prevention devices.
-Updating daily care routines with all nursing staff and health care assistants.
-Utilizing QOCP products and updated practices to all high-risk patients in SHDU and surgical unit.
-Reviewing the effectiveness for 6 and 12 months respectively.
Result & Outcome :
The newly developed pressure injury with lower ratio achieved after the program commenced in both CD4 ward and SDHU. Conclusion The rate of pressure injury development is a vital indicator of the quality of nursing care. Early detection and implementation of preventive measures of the at-risk population pay an important role in mitigating the occurrences of pressure injury. In addition, dynamic team approach with clear objectives and instructions could lead to more effective outcomes. As a result, the incidences of newly developed pressure injuries could be significantly reduced.