Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong KH(1), Law BPL (1), Lee RKL (1), Ma BFC(1), Mak MMY(1)
Affiliation :
1 Physiotherapy Department, Tuen Mun Hospital
Introduction :
In Rehabilitation Ward, traditional clinical handover for physiotherapy progress involves utilization of paper assessment forms, which requires frequent filing process. Frequent filing requires lots of manpower and possesses potential risks of document misplacement and missing. Dependent on paper assessment forms also creates potential hurdles for assess of clinical information for colleagues in other units such as out-patient department and community service and hinders data collection for evaluation. A pilot Electronic Clinical Handover System for Physiotherapy Progress was implemented in a Rehabilitation Ward to address the above problems.
Objectives :
1. Reduce manpower for filing process
2. Eliminate risk of document misplacement and missing
3. Enhance continuity of care across different units
4. Facilitate data collection for service evaluation
Methodology :
Starting from May 2019, Allied Health Progress Note (AHPN) in Clinical Management System (CMS) was used for Electronic Physiotherapy Assessment Record and replaced paper assessment form in a Rehabilitation Ward. 2 different assessment form templates were created to facilitate Physiotherapist to input clinical information. During case conference, Physiotherapist can report and update patient’s progress through a tablet and keypad, with no paper assessment form is required. When patient is discharged or transferred to other units, the new case Physiotherapist could assess the progress through CMS and facilitate the continuity of care.
Result & Outcome :
Since filing process was eliminated, 3 hours of manpower was saved for clinical duty per week. The potential risk of assessment record misplacement and missing was reduced to zero. Positive feedback was received from Ward’s and other Units’ Physiotherapists since patient’s progress was more readily accessible in CMS, which enhanced continuity of patient care through better handover. The data in electronic progress notes could be retrieved easily for service evaluation and future analysis. The Electronic Clinical Handover System demonstrated great potential in improving patient care process and could be efficient, safe and sustainable.