Authors (including presenting author) :
Yeung WTA(1), Lee OKA(1), Lei PO(1), Ho YTS(1), Lai MT(1), Ho SC(1), Chan EHY(1), Law LY(1), Ho KY(1), Yuen HC(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Cardiac and Intensive Care Unit, Ruttonjee & Tang Shiu Kin Hospital
Introduction :
Oral endotracheal intubation required with mechanical ventilation is common to critically ill patients in intensive care unit. The securement method of oral endotracheal tube developed from cloth tape to commercial tube holder which aided not only reduce the incidence of tube displacement and oral pressure injuries but also the workload in nursing care routine.
Objectives :
By introducing a new oral endotracheal tube holder in Intensive Care Unit, it provided an alternative device in securement method of oral endotracheal tube other than typical cloth tape. This study aimed to the nursing perspectives of the utilization of this new oral endotracheal tube holder named AnchorFast ETT Fasterner
Methodology :
In order to educate all nursing staff about the new oral endotracheal tube holder, we had provided introduction by bedside microteaching with powerpoint slides and video. We had also performed demonstration and explanation with the aid of dummy model. Afterwards, a quiz with 6 multiple choice questions and a questionnaire had been formulated for collection of understanding and nursing perspectives to the oral endotracheal tube holder from all staff (30 nurses). By analyzing the result of quiz, the nursing perspectives had been evaluated in numbers.
Result & Outcome :
The result showed there was 72% of staff achieved full marks in the post-quiz which demonstrated their full understanding of the use of oral ETT holder and its nursing care. In terms of nursing perspectives, 72% of nursing staff claimed that they are confident in using the new oral ETT holder in clinical setting after attending the training provided. 96% of nursing staff showed agreement in time-saving of nursing care routine by adopting the use of an ETT holder. However, only 56% of nursing staff agreed that the oral ETT holder is effective in prevention of oral pressure injuries and another 24% of staff disagreed its function in improvement of patient’s oral care.