Authors (including presenting author) :
Ko WK, Kwong SK, Tsui WS, Ho WF, Ng SW, Tam YS, Ho KY, Lee LL, Fung SL, Lee WY
Affiliation :
Department of Family Medicine and Primary Healthcare, Queen Mary Hospital Hong Kong West Cluster, Hospital Authority
Introduction :
General Out-patient Clinics have been taken over from the Department of Health to Hospital Authority since 2003. As an initiative to review and improve the quality of our service, a patient satisfaction survey was conducted in our Family Medicine clinics in 2018.
Objectives :
To learn patients’ view on health services and plan for the direction for services improvement.
Methodology :
A comprehensive questionnaire was designed, covering different aspects of clinic service, from appointment arrangement, clinic environment, service flow, waiting time, staff communication, medical records, follow up arrangement, to E-health, preventive health advice and other nurse and allied health programmes. Apart from satisfaction scale entry, open comments could also be entered into the questionnaire. From 30 July 2018 to 10 August 2018, the survey was conducted in 6 General Out-patient Clinics and 1 Staff Clinic, targeting at patients attending the clinics.
Result & Outcome :
1000 eligible questionnaires were collected. In general, interviewees were satisfied with the following aspects of services, and the percentages of entries with “Very satisfied” and “Satisfied” grading are stated below. 1) Arrangement of follow up appointment: 88% 2) Clinic environment / facilities: 88% 3) Staff attitude (of different groups): 89%-95% 4) Patient journey (in different points of service delivery): 82-89% 5) Understanding and communication: 83-89% 6) Medical / allied health teamwork: Risk Assessment and Management Programme (RAMP): 88%; Nurse and Allied Health Clinics (NAHC): 83% Waiting time of < 15 minutes was achieved in: Pre-consultation assessment (76%); Nursing care (49%); Pharmacy service (54%) On the other hand, some aspects of services have room for improvement. The percentage of entries with “Very satisfied” and “Satisfied” grading are stated as follows. 1) Appointment arrangement for defaulters: 73% 2) Medical record and materials (e.g. handheld records, BP/P and Body weight record): 65-77% 3) Preventive advice/ services: 63-64% 69% of patients have doctor consultation waiting time of 30 minutes or below. About the awareness of electronic resources, only 16% interviewees have ever used “Book-HA”; 14% for “eHR”; while only 5% have ever used eHealth education resources. In conclusion, the satisfaction survey provides direction for targeted service review.