Authors (including presenting author) :
Yung SL, Sin MW, Choi WK, Lo WC, Ngai YY, Chiu SW, Szeto L
Affiliation :
Ambulatory Surgery Services, Department of Anaesthesia and Operating Theatre Services, Tseung Kwan O Hospital
Introduction :
Minimizing negative emotions of children undergoing operations is challenging yet important. Children facing unfamiliar perioperative clinical settings and procedures may present various negative reactions such as anxiety and fear. Recent researches showed the integration of therapeutic play in medical procedures could help children cope better and be positive.
Objectives :
To develop a multidisciplinary team to promote positive atmosphere for young children (3-10 years old) undergoing operations in Tseung Kwan O Hospital.
Methodology :
Two designed therapeutic play activities specific to operations were developed by hospital play specialists: Early intervention play (on the day of pre-anaesthetic assessment) and preparation play (on the operation day). Using therapeutic play tools, Hospital Play Service (HPS) helped children psychologically prepared for the coming operations. HPS also provided further emotional support and distraction play by accompanying children to enter operation theatre before induction. Small rewards were given to children as positive reinforcement. Self-rating anxiety and emotion scales were used before and after interventions.
Result & Outcome :
Hospital Play Service (HPS) for children undergoing operations has been conducted in Tseung Kwan O Hospital since July 2019. Until December 2019, 42 groups of children and parents have been referred to HPS. With majority of children having their first experience of operations, 74% of children showed moderate to severe degree of anxiety and 79% of children expressed fear or nervous. After HPS interventions, the degree of anxiety and fear significantly dropped. 95% of children showed less anxiety and expressed happy and brave. All parents agreed that HPS could help children release their negative emotions and better understanding of the procedures before and after operations. 90% of Anaesthetists were highly satisfied with HPS and agreed that HPS could reduce children's fear and anxiety. They further agreed that HPS could enhance children's cooperation before operations. All parents and Anaesthetists supported to continue HPS. Multidisciplinary collaboration with HPS in perioperative settings should be promoted.