SMART Hospital's Approach: Using an Electronic Referral System (ERS) to Facilitate the Delivery of Health Care Services by Allied Health Professionals in the Community

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong CL(1), Chan CWM(2), Poon A(2), Leung SFE(3), So MSV(3), Chung YCH(3), Chan SWA(1), Ng YB(1), Tsang WY(1), Sim TC(1), Sha KY(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, United Christian Hospital, (2) Occupational Therapy Department, United Christian Hospital, (3) Physiotherapy Department, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Between 2015 and 2017, the number of allied health (AH) referrals for community home visits at the Integrated Care for the Elderly Support Center (ICDS) Christian Hospital was twice that of 2009-2015. ICDS staff usually uses paper form to make referrals. AH professionals receive the referrals on average 3 to 4 days. However, the referrals related to incomplete or missing information may cause delays in evaluation. As a result, home visits by AH professionals to target patients may be delayed by a week or more.
Timely patient assessment is critical to achieving better health outcomes. In order to improving the referral system, the electronic referral systems have been designed to improve the efficiency and reduce the missing or incomplete information in the referral process
Objectives :
To improve the efficiency of the referral workflow in ICDS
To reduce the waiting times for allied health professionals to perform patient assessments.
To reduce the missing or incomplete information in the referral process
Methodology :
The electronic referral system (ERS) was piloted at ICDS, United Christian Hospital between nurses and allied health professionals from June 1, 2017 to October 31, 2019

ICDS nurses completed an electronic consult form by electronically standardizing information. Allied health professionals replied the expedited home visit appointments in the electronic platform.

The response times, referral rates, waiting times for home visits, and completion rates for allied health professional were tracked. Nurses and allied health professional also completed a survey to evaluate feasibility and satisfaction.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 810 consult during the pilot period. Allied health professional responded over 92% of requests within 3 business days. The completion rate was 100%. Prove that the electronic referral system can reduce missing or incomplete information in the referral process Both nurses and allied health professionals reflect the electronic consultant and referral system facilitated better communication. The system enabled them to provide basic patient assessment in the electronic platform before making home visit. Allied health professionals reported that the system required minimal time and facilitates prioritized triage referrals. Implementation of an electronic referral system was feasible and provided timely access to allied health care. This system could serve as a model for other health care organizations and specialties.

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