One-stop Orientation Programme on Staff Report Day

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lam KC H(1)(5), Woun YSB(1)(5), Ding WH(1)(5); Ip WH(1)(5); Chan LL(1)(5); Sze MK(1)(5); Li WC(1)(5); Leung YL(2)(5); Lee A(2)(5); Mak F(2)(5); Ng M(3)(5); & Leung CP(4)(5)
Affiliation :
(1)Nursing Services Division, (2)Department of Medical & Geriatrics, (3)Anaesthesia, OT, O&T, Surgery & CEU, (4)Accident and Emergency Department & SOPD, (5)Ruttonjee & Tang Shiu Kin Hospital
Introduction :
For new staff, a successful first day’s orientation is important. This is because it can hasten the new staff member’s ability to adapt to the job, and contribute to a more effective and productive workforce. Also, it can promote communication between the supervisor and the new member of staff. However, to deliver concise, accurate informative and mandatory training is always a challenge for front-line staff, both in terms of time, and of workload. For this reason, a ‘One-stop Orientation Program’ was provided to all new nursing staff by the Nursing Service Division from 1 Feb 2019. This offered tailor-made first-day orientation training to every new nursing staff member, and provided an evaluation report which was relayed to their supervisor.
Objectives :
This ‘One-stop Orientation Program’ helps the new nursing staff in the following ways. It:
• Analyses the staff training needs, prior to arrival
• Provides high priority training and hospital information that will ease the transition into the workplace
• Relieves the new staff member’s anxiety about starting a new job

Also, this program can help the front-line supervisor in:
• Reducing the intangible costs in terms of time and manpower
• Developing good communication between new members of staff and the front-line supervisor, from the outset.
Methodology :
There are different employment types (Permanent/Contract), hiring options (Full-time/Part-time/Locum) and ranks (APN/RN/EN/Pre-RN TUNS etc.) of the newcomers. In addition, their various training backgrounds and employment history (Fresh Graduate/Private hospital/Other Cluster Hospital) also affect their training needs. Therefore, the Nursing Service Division will first gather background information from the Human Resource Department’s report and evaluate the training needs of the new staff member with the Department of Manager. The ‘One-stop orientation program’ will first take place in the Nursing Service Division with an initial Hospital Tour.
Program rundown is divided into two sessions including:
In the AM session
• Administrative activities such as meeting with Department of Manager
• Mandatory OSH Training & Assessment such as OSH Awareness, MHO & Fire Safety, Data Privacy
• Infection Control Assessments such as Hand Hygiene, PPE gown up & down
• Hospital Tour
In the PM session
• Introduction to IT System such as CMS, ePAF, eNursing Summary, IPMOE, HAHO/Cluster/Hospital web-site, eLeave, Nursing App & AIRS
• Introduction of Infection Control Guidelines such as Catheter Care & Handling of Sharps, Blood & Body Fluid Exposure
• Report to related ward/department

At the end of the day, the Nursing Service Division will send the OSH attendance records to the HR Department. Furthermore, the training and assessment records such as drug calculations, quiz results, training records and reports will be sent to the related front-line supervisors. In addition, the training data will be put into the NSD database for future analysis.
A shortened version of orientation training may be provided to Part-time & Locum nurses as some of the content may not be necessary for the newcomer.
A quarterly report of the orientation program will be made available to front-line management for review of the training contents. A Programme Evaluation questionnaire was sent to front-line supervisors in Nov 2019.
Result & Outcome :
From 1 February to 31 December 2019, a total of 77 new nurses participated in and completed the ‘One-stop Orientation Program’. 52% of participants were freshly graduated nurses. All of the participants and front-line manager indicated that they ‘agreed’ to ‘strongly agreed’ that the program was useful. From the Programme Evaluation questionnaire results, the front-line supervisors suggested to add the contents of the orientation. For example, POCT training, DSE, Chemical Safety and Fall management are also useful for the newcomer.

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