Multidisciplinary collaboration to enhance maintenance service of portering wheelchair

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung YS(1), Lau M(1), Ip WM(1), Chan SC(2), Wong KT(2), Kwok ML(3), Yeung TP(3)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Therapy Department, Shatin Hospital (2) Central Administration Department, Shatin Hospital (3) Nursing Department, Shatin Hospital
Introduction :
Portering wheelchair was extensively discussed in OSH meeting due to frequent reports on maintenance issues received lately. These reports came from various users including patient, visitor, ward staff and contracted wheelchair porter. Most common complaints were 1.) cracked fragment of rear wheel tires all over the floor; 2.) safety belt not working properly; and 3.) broken plastic footplate.

Although there are only a few wheelchair related patient injury recorded over the years, there is genuine concern on patient and staff safety, not to mention portering wheelchair is one of the very first impressions to most patient and visitors. In this respect, a multidisciplinary working group was formed to follow up issues related to portering wheelchair maintenance.
Objectives :
The main objectives of this project are:
- To evaluate current wheelchair conditions and maintenance practice
- To improve wheelchair maintenance practice with cost-effectiveness considerations
- To improve staff communication on wheelchair maintenance and repair
Methodology :
The maintenance service enhancement plan includes evaluation & preparation phase and implementation phase covering the following major steps:
- Survey all portering wheelchairs in wards and public area
- Review safety and functional performance of each wheelchair
- Device a cost-effective maintenance plan based on wearing out progression
- Implement new maintenance plan and workflow
- Review effectiveness of new maintenance arrangement
Result & Outcome :
In evaluation and preparation phase, 194 units of portering wheelchair were inspected in the second week of September 2019. In summary, 164 out of 194 units (78.5%) would require further action(s) ranging from ‘simple repair’ to ‘recommend for disposal’. Of the 164 wheelchairs requiring follow-up, 315 components were found to be defective. Broken plastic footplate (n=100) and non-functional safety belt (n=44) were the two most common problems. One of the unsatisfactory observations was that there was no identity for individual wheelchair which would cause great difficulty in reporting and arranging needed follow-up action. Fortunately, labels showing purchase order (PO) number could be found in most wheelchairs. This PO number could provide information on year of purchase, therefore year of service could be estimated. By combining information on current wheelchair conditions and year of service, a wearing out progression could be postulated. With reference to parts or component replacement cost, wheelchairs serving more than six years should consider disposal rather than repair due to the fact that repair cost would well exceed purchase price. In this exercise, 66 units (34.0%) would recommend disposal or whole wheelchair replacement. In implementation phase, unique identifier labels would be attached onto all new and existing wheelchairs after replacement of worn-out units. This measure would facilitate asset owner to initiate routine corrective maintenance through Computer-based Maintenance Management System. With support from Hospital Management, yearly inspection and planned maintenance would be provided by Corporate Bulk Contract Supplier starting from 2020. Lastly, evaluation of effectiveness would be carried out on yearly basis after full implementation.

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