Authors (including presenting author) :
Chen PW (1), Lui HT (2), Yip CT (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Therapy Department, Tseung Kwan O Hospital, (2) Medical department, Tseung Kwan O Hospital
Introduction :
The functional abilities of patients with Parkinson’s disease very much rely on the medication and training. Moreover, they also have to cope with the “on” and “off” time drug effect. Patients sometimes have difficulties in explaining their problems clearly to the doctor as they do not understand the relationships between the drug effect and their daily activities. For example, participating more actively in daily activities during the “on time” of the drug and rest during “off time” drug will allow patients to cope better with their daily schedule. Therefore, a continuous quality improvement (CQI) project was conducted to empower patients’ self-management skills.
Objectives :
F.A.D.E. cycle (Focus, Analysis, Develop and Evaluation) thinking approach was applied to review the Parkinson’s disease education. It aimed to enhance the patients’ functional activities and the effectiveness on their drug use.
Methodology :
The methodology was followed with the F.A.D.E. cycle
The goals of this service review are 1) to improve patient’s daily living quality through better management of their own daily scheduling with existing drugs regime. 2) to improve the communication between doctor and patient in order to facilitate the drug adjustment.
Four patients were interviewed on their reasons of being unable to manage their daily function activities by using the event and causal factor chart. The result could be summarized as 1) lack of knowledge on the characteristics of the medicine, 2) failure to tell whether the drug is capable to maintain their daily activities and 3) unable to relate the symptoms with the drugs they were using.
In the Parkinson’s disease education, patients were required to complete a daily log (across a 24 hours timeline). In the daily log, patients had to fill in their drug regime, the activities they did and the symptoms they experienced. By completing the daily log, it helped patients to better understand their disease characteristics and, it also enable them to discuss with the doctor more clearly during the consultation sessions.
Patient satisfactory survey was collected from January 2019 to June 2019 on the effectiveness of this patient education approach. Surveys from 20 patients were collected.
Result & Outcome :
The evaluation of patients’ impression of the effectiveness of the daily activity log (77% highly agree and 23% agree). The education content could increase their understanding on symptoms control (73% highly agree and 27% agree) and facilitate them to have better organized their daily activities (77% highly agree and 23% agree).