Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong SWA(1) ,Chung YY(1), Yung CY(2), Sha KYE (2)
Affiliation :
21) Continence Service, Nursing Service Division, United Christian Hospital, (2) Medical & Geriatric Department, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Continence nurses serve a special role managing patient’s urine and bowel elimination problems. In Kowloon East Cluster (KEC), Continence Service was early established in 1993 and number of referrals reached to 7,400 per year in 2018. In order to govern the service quality, patients’ satisfaction would regularly review for service improvement.
Objectives :
To review patient satisfaction level on symptoms control, self-disease management, knowledge enhancement to prevent potential complications, clinic setting and nurses attitude. To study the correlation factors associated with the patient satisfaction.
Methodology :
Patient and carer self-administered questionnaires were collected at the end of consultation sessions among Continence Nurse Led Clinics under KEC from 1st to 30th September,2019. Clinical data and correlated outcomes were analyzed by SPSS Version 20.0.
Result & Outcome :
280 questionnaires were obtained from 6 locations of Continence Nurse Led Clinic. It was noted that 92.1% of the questionnaires were filled by patient themselves and remaining 7.9% were filled by carers. The clients were most satisfied on categories: ⅰ) The specialty nurses could help to alleviate their bordering urinary and bowel symptoms; 85.4% clients strongly agree with the statement. ⅱ) The nurses could enhance themselves for self-awareness on importance of bladder training; 84.6 % clients strongly agree with the statement. ⅲ) The nurses could educate them the dietary and fluid management for constipation; 81.7 % clients strongly agree with the statement & ⅳ) The nurses could help them to prevent potential urinary tract infection; 70.8 % clients strongly agree with the statement. For overall comment, 76.4% of clients strongly satisfied and agreed the specialty nurses’ attitude are good which their help was very useful. Factors such as age and visiting episodes were analyzed and it was noted that both factors were insignificant associated with the satisfaction rate (P value=0.830 & 0.618 representatively).