Authors (including presenting author) :
Chi WK (1) (2), Chui KL (1) (2), Chan CY (1) (2), Kam KH (1) (2), Wu EB (1) (2), Chan YS (1) (2), Yan PY (1) (2), Wong HL (3), Chow KM (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2) Division of Cardiology (3) Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Introduction :
Patients with severe and complex coronary artery diseases have high 1-year cardiovascular morbidity and mortality rate and are prone to have repeated unplanned hospital readmissions if only medically treated. CABG is the guideline-recommended treatment modality, yet it is an ultra-major operation with long waiting time.
Objectives :
We initiated an interdepartmental CINE Meeting since July 2019, on a weekly basis, to discuss in-patient CABG consultation cases among Cardiothoracic surgeons and Cardiologists. The best revascularization strategy was formulated to (1) streamline patient care; (2) shorten the waiting time to revascularization; (3) shorten the length of hospitalization..
Methodology :
We performed a registry-based analysis for all cases referred for in-patient CABG, comparing the period before (July 2018-June 2019) and after (July 2019- July 2020) implementation of CINE Meeting.
Result & Outcome :
Before the implementation of CINE meeting, the mean waiting time from consultation to in-patient and out-patient revascularization were 12 days and 160 days respectively. 15/80 (18.8%) of patients were still on the waiting list for the surgical intervention and all of them have been waiting for more than 180 days. After the implementation of CINE meeting, the mean waiting time from consultation to in-patient and out-patient revascularization were shortened to 9 days and 48 days respectively. No patient has waited for more than 180 days. The hospitalization from CABG consultation to discharge was shortened from 16 days to 11 days. The hospitalization from revascularization to discharge was shortened from 11 days to 7 days.
Interdepartmental CINE Meeting was effective in enhancing In-patient severe and complex coronary artery diseases revascularization service by improving patient outcomes, shortening the waiting time to revascularization and shortening the length of hospitalization.