The vision and objective of smart city is to improve how we live by integration and application of technologies in our daily living. Analogously, the vision of smart hospital and healthcare in TSWH/NTWC is to apply information and operational technologies to improve our care to our patients. Initiatives in smart hospital planning in TSWH/NTWC would primarily target to enable smart patients with touchable components. With the high penetration rate of mobile phone in our locality, development and application of mobile technologies for patient access is one of key direction in vision of reducing queuing and length of stay.
Smart hospital and application of technologies in healthcare should be the essential key to enable both improvement in patient quality and safety while upkeeping and enhancing clinical efficiency. We had vision of Smart Staffs – to apply digital technologies to improve efficiency in both clinical and non-clinical workflows. We anticipate the change in smart hospital is tremendous and the staff engagement would be the essential key to success. It is crucial to build up a change culture and teamwork for continuous development as technological advancement should be endless. Smart staff is the sole key to provide smart clinical services.
Smart clinical service and reformation in service or caring model is enabled by technologies of telehealth/telemedicine, internet of medical things (IoMT), 5G technologies, application of artificial intelligence (AI) with big data analytics. It is in our vision to revolutionalize the service model to provide better healthcare services to our patient.
Our smart hospital vision in TSWH/NTWC is: Healthcare by your side, anytime, anywhere (何時何地,並肩同行). With our smart staffs and smart patients, provision of smart healthcare without boundary would be our destination.