Resilience course in medical education is not about teaching one to be resilient. It is about building an open and adaptive platform to work with students on the continuing call for personal growth and resilience building as part of a holistic university education for future doctors. Medical knowledge on human diseases is ever expanding at sky-rocketing speed but little is even done to pay the smallest attention to our own state of mind, our feelings under stress, our philosophies and value clash as to who we are as we strive to attain our ideal professional self in the medical training. Short of such self-compassion and awareness runs the risk of physician burnout and even jeopardized mental health. Inspired by the many sharing of our alumni and students who have open up to our team in their personal growth and struggles, and the many outstanding education programmes before us that yield good evidence of effects, since 2017 CU Medicine has started to re-engineer a small corner in a busy MBChB curriculum into a small platform that engages junior students in three consecutive years through a series of experiential learning. The curricular component is aligned to the universal basis of an existing caring community built on 3-tiered model, where the top of the pyramid provides individual counseling support and indicated health care for the high stress situations and the middle tier caters for gate-keeper training and peer support. To the Wellness Team, the resilience course completes a big missing piece of the student wellness programme, and it is only the beginning of a lifelong journey.